True Peace….on Earth (Part One)

One of the most annoying aspects of liberal culture to me is the ever present “peace sign”, world peace bumper stickers, and the “why can’t we just all get along” attitude that pervades society.

The reason this is so annoying is because you can’t even have peace in a small group, let alone the world, unless everyone agrees to submit to a certain code, or some people don’t mind being trampled on.

In other words, either rebellious human nature must submit to a universal standard – to a King – or a part of society has to quietly endure the abuse of the tyrannical sector which isn’t content with just their own rights.

In our society, that tyrannical sector is the force behind the liberal agenda driving Big Government and Big Business (not to be confused with free enterprise). We conservatives are the ones slated for abuse, and it’s our howls of protest that prompts the sigh, “Why can’t we just all get along?”

What they’re actually saying is “Why don’t you conservatives just quit kicking up such a fuss about freedom?” See, for peace to be possible, we have to get along with them. Now you see why I get so fed up with the peace sign.

I love the Christmas season. However, I couldn’t help groaning when I remembered how the angels’ message to the shepherds would prompt the annual avalanche of peace propaganda. But, if the angels proclaimed a “peace on earth” message, it was from God Himself. So what did His “peace on earth” proclamation mean, and how does it differ from what we are hearing in pop culture?

Click here for Part Two.


  1. “…you can’t even have peace in a small group, let alone the world, unless everyone agrees to submit to a certain code…” You are exactly right, Hannah. It is the same with unity. There must be a basis for it before you can have it.

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