We usually don’t get the early start we plan on :-), but we left in time to arrive in North Carolina around lunchtime.
We had lunch with a good friend, Navy Captain Jim Kinney, who is spearheading a movement to term-limit Congress. Check out his website at http://www.inspireandignite.com for more about that. Lots of great conversation about today’s issues, especially about term limits. I still have so many questions about it since hearing it debated at Patriot Academy.
One of my favorite moments of the day came when we crossed the North Carolina-Virginia border. I have read so much about Virginia history, and about one Virginian in particular (Patrick Henry), that just setting foot on VA soil was so special to me. Mom laughed at how thrilled I was to finally be there! And to top it off, the rest stop just inside the border was a beautiful, stately-looking building that was worthy of the location.

Ahhhh, Virginia! One day I’m going to move there.