A seat in Congress will be vacated this November (thank goodness), and six contenders have been vying for the opportunity to represent South Carolina’s third Congressional district in Washington.
For years we’ve been waiting for “Mr. Smiths” to see America’s desperate need of leaders with integrity, and sail into their job. In selecting a candidate, I was looking for some specific characteristics:
- Unquestionable integrity
- A reverence for the Constitution
- Understanding of the nature of the threats to our National Security
- A Biblical worldview
- Personal and political adherence to traditional values
- Fiscally responsible philosophy
- An understanding of practical, non-compromising incrementalism
- A politically strategic mind
- Fearlessness of the opinions and attacks of the left, the GOP, and the media
- A willingness to do more than merely vote correctly. Someone who will get out there and throw hand grenades
- Someone who will do the right thing, regardless of political consequences
- Humility and a servant’s heart
It’s been a real pleasure to get to know all of the candidates, and there are several that I really like, and hope to hear more from. However, for this office, one has consistently risen above the rest.
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you our “Mr. Smith”: State Representative Jeff Duncan.
I have listened to stump speeches, debates, forums, and quizzed the candidates myself. Jeff Duncan is the only one who consistently met the qualifications I had in mind. He is not a career politician who is in this race for political gain, and he does not consider it the next step up on the political ladder.
Based on my observation, he would be completely happy to simply stay at home, run his business and raise his children. He’s running for Congress because our freedom to do just that is in danger.
As a current SC legislator, Jeff Duncan has a proven track record of fighting for the liberties and the pocketbooks of the taxpayers. I know he’ll start shaking things up in Washington, because he’s been doing it in Columbia.
And, he realizes that being right is not enough if it’s not paired with effectiveness. This is absolutely crucial to effective Statesmen. Rep. Duncan understands the vital importance of knowing the system, building coalitions, working behind-the-scenes, involving the grassroots, and not caring who gets the credit, so long as the job gets done.
We need men like Jeff Duncan in Congress. I am thrilled to be able to support him, and I hope you’ll join me in working to send him to Washington. Click here for his campaign website.
After reviewing some of my own information on him, I can definitely see why you’ve come out in support of Jeff Duncan. I can honestly say he would have my vote, too, if he were in my district.